Cast-In Kit Installation Information

Sizes 100mm code:WC100K 80mm code:Wc80K 50mm code:WC50K

Installed prior to the concreting slab has been poured:

  • Installed on the pvc riser to the floor & shower drains

  • The riser is cut down to allow for the depth of the flange

  • The spigot / Mi pipe is marked 40mm plus or minus from the top flange

  • Tips & Tricks: Prior to priming: pre-fit the engagement to the ABS puddle flanges to the PVC pipework to check the correct finished height required for the graded substrate.

  • Tips & tricks: Always allow that extra depth of 10mm plus / minus just in case – it is always better to have greater grade than not enough!

  • Installation: Prime & solvent glue the pipe work & puddle flange

  • Tips & Tricks: Always level up the top of the puddle flange after installation

  • Tips & Tricks: Always make sure the Base & Cap & foam ring are firmly in place

  • Required: The datums of the FFL (Finished Floor Level) for the wet areas

  • Required: The type of grates and trench grate information in advance

  • Required: Grading the substrates for concrete wet areas, the internal walls for the wet areas, should be set out and marked / stacked or pinned by the surveyor is an advantage

  • Required: Pre-planning of the location of the floor  & shower waste drains, that will allow for the optimum benefit for evenly graded substrates to the floor & shower waste drains

  • Required: the calculation of the grade required: 1:80 1:100 to provide a datum for the top of the Cast-In Puddle flange to be pre-set too.

  • Tips & Tricks: Screed back to the top of the puddle flange and remove the excess concrete – allow for that extra work & time prior to continuing the concrete pour to get the graded substrate right!

  • Tips & Tricks: wipe around the top of the yellow Wondercap cap and keep clean as it is an important datum to work too.

  • Tips & Tricks: Think about adding a 2nd another floor waste drain to minimise the extra work and time, trying to screed the substrate in large bathrooms.

  • Benefits: Graded substrates will reduce the chances of waterproofing failures because of the graded wet areas will drain positively to the floor and shower drains even before the concrete is dry!

  • Benefits: Reduce costs for construction repairs & warranties and these benefits which will assist the follow up trades.

  • Benefits: When the concrete is dry remove the foam insert around the internal Base & Cap which will drain the ponding water around the floor and shower drains.

  • Benefits: The internal Base & Cap will prevent construction rubbish from entering the drain during construction



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