2020 International Winner Bathroom Hydraulic Design, Hygienic Floor & Shower Drain Solution
2020 BUILD Client Service Excellence Award 2020


Wondercap Total Solution Kits.

The Wondercap kit provides total protection of the waste pipe from the initial stages of construction to completion; preventing concrete and other waste materials going down the waste pipe causing blockages. The foam ring also prevents concrete settling in between the base and puddle flange during the concrete pour and is then removed once concrete is set.

Easy to install. Easy to waterproof. Easy to bed. Easy to tile.

Wondercap Kits100mm / 80mm / 50mm

Wondercap Kits

100mm / 80mm / 50mm

Wondercap Retro Kits100mm / 80mm / 50mm

Wondercap Retro Kits

100mm / 80mm / 50mm

Wondercap Balcony Kits100mm x 50mm

Wondercap Balcony Kits

100mm x 50mm


Hutchinson Builders considers the Wondercap a revolutionary product. Having first used the Wondercap over ten years ago, we now design and use the Wondercap system on all of our projects as standard practice. We believe the Wondercap design is a cost saving product and after ten years plus of use and more than 30,000 installed, it hasn’t let us down.

Hutchinson Builders

Installation Is Easy!

Our installation guides are easy to follow and designed for both professional DIY that make installation easy, every time.


Designed by a Tradesman, for a Tradesman.

Designed by expert tradesman, Les Howson to improve inadequate installation standards and reduce downtime and call backs.

Featuring a protective cap, adjustable base and puddle flange, the patented Wondercap has been innovatively designed to eliminate the chance of blockages caused by excess construction rubbish and materials that managed to work their way into drainage systems.