Waterproofing Detail for the Wondercap RetroFit Kit WC100RK 100mm
*Note - For sizes 80mm and 50mm the same installation information applies.
Installation Instructions:
Tips & Tricks:
Always review the waterproofing manufacturer's requirements before starting the installation.
Product Material: Our puddle flanges are made from durable ABS plastic.
Primer: A non-porous primer is required to prime and clean the surface area as necessary.
Test Plugs: Lightweight test plugs are available for easy installation when you order from your local supplier.
Install the first layer of waterproofing and bonding strips across the puddle flange before applying the tile bedding. Ensure the waterproofing membrane is completely dry before continuing.
Before starting, review the instructional videos by scanning the QR code for professional guidance on waterproofing membrane installation.
Required Information:
Review the manufacturer's guidelines for water testing the shower membrane area, especially regarding curing times for the membrane product you're using.
Installation Steps:
Set up the Base & Cap: Position the base and cap to the required level for the bedding datum. This will serve as the reference level for the drain when spreading the bedding material.
NCC Requirements: The NCC mandates a 1:80 grade for shower bedding towards the drain—this is a mandatory requirement.
Bedding Thickness: The recommended bedding thickness is a minimum of 25mm above the puddle flange.
Bedding Transition: The bedding should finish just before the puddle flange, tapering back at a 45° angle to allow for a smooth transition to the edge of the puddle flange.
Tip: A 45° angle provides the best smooth transition from the bedding to the puddle flange, especially when using bonding strips and waterproofing.
Waterproofing Coats:
Apply the first coat of waterproofing and allow it to dry completely before applying the second coat.
Apply the second coat of waterproofing and allow it to dry thoroughly.
Important Notes:
The NCC highly recommends water testing of the waterproofing membrane, but it is not mandatory.
The test plug is easily inserted into the mouth of the puddle flange and can be used for water testing to ensure the waterproofing membrane is sealed and watertight.
When conducting a water test, remember to record and date the results for your records.
Review water testing procedures by scanning the QR code for additional video guidance.
Final Installation Steps:
Insert the Base & Cap: Raise the base and cap to the required finishing bedding height or grate height.
The base and cap should be held in place with a damp bedding mix under the edge of the grate adapter, base, and cap.
Fill the Gap: Install the bedding mix to fill the gap between the grate, base, and cap, ensuring the bedding is level with the finished height.