RetroFit Kit Installation Information

Sizes 100mm code:WC100RK / 80mm code:WC80RK / 50mm code:WC50RK

  • Required: the puddle flange must be always rebated into the substrate flooring

  • Required: the puddle flange is 3mm thick and the substrate must be rebated at least 3mm in depth

  • Tips and Tricks: Concrete floors: The puddle flange is to be installed after the concrete floor has been poured / fibro and timber floors

  • Tips and Tricks: Concrete floor routers (grinding disc) will provide the correct depth and diameter required to suit the puddle flange flat edge

  • Tips & Tricks: Fibro Cement sheeting: - Concrete floor routers (grinding disc) will provide the correct depth and diameter required to suit the puddle flange flat edge

  • Tips & Tricks: Timber floors: Timber floor routers will provide the correct depth and diameter required to suit the puddle flange flat edge

  • Note: The NCC requirements for puddle flange installation must be adhered to: Refer the Waterproofing Standards A/S 3740

  • Note: The puddle flange is be bedded on sealant to provide full support of the flange to the substrate

  • Benefits: The 8 point fixing points will prevent the industry term of “bird mouthing” which is the lifting in between the fixing points

  • Benefits:  The retro puddle flange is available with its coloured test plug to prevent construction rubbish from entering the open drain

  • Benefits: The test plug is easily inserted into the mouth of the puddle flange and can be easily water tested to make sure you’re the waterproofing membrane is watertight

  • Note: The NCC requirements highly recommend the water testing of the waterproofing membrane not mandatory!

  • Benefits: included in the QR Code & our website are the waterproofing hard copy details that provide the waterproofing detail to our puddle flanges? To be reviewed

  • Benefits: Installation Videos for the installation of the waterproofing membrane to the puddle flange

  • Benefits: Installation Videos for the installation of the water testing, bedding, and tiling


For Waterproofing Information click HERE